Generation Y - Yoani Sánchez
Yoani is a Cuban blogger who has achieved international fame and multiple international awards for her critical portrayal of life in her native Cuba under its current government. Not allowed to work openly as a journalist, Yoani has persisted in covertly publishing observations and reports about Cuba via the Internet. She does not publish or promote her work in Cuba. There, she is merely a Spanish teacher for tourists. She publishes her blog from Internet cafes, hoping to stay below the radar of Cuban officials. She uses her blog, Generacion Y, to communicate with the world the struggles of the people of Cuba, the real life in Cuba, defying a totalitarian regime, profit-seeking media, and agenda-pushing politicians. filter-free.
Generacion Y is a window into a socialist state, complete with propaganda campaigns and highly-restricted access to outside news sources. Having lived in Switzerland for 2 years because of “disillusionment and economic frustration,” Sanchez gained exposure to outside sources of news and history, which have allowed her to compare life and politics in Cuba to that of other nations.
Explore Yoani’s Generacion Y blog for ideas.